Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the beach in january

 owen's "rainbow"

 a fox at the beach?!

The weather is so beautiful right now! I don't know if I am quite ready for summer yet... I have some cute sweaters I haven't put to use.I do enjoy this warm weather because we can get outside with babes. It's so fun to see them interacting with each other in nature. Boys throw sand and love sticks, get mud on their sisters dress and pick up bugs. Girls write their names and secret codes in the sand with a stick, want to play "mystery girls", chase ladybugs and look for treasures washed up on the shore.
I don't do new years resolutions because they are lame. BUT if I were to do one it would be to get out more. To put down the laptop, the cell phone and turn off the t.v. and get out of the house to do something fun with my kids at least once a day. I'm definitely going to do it.


  1. we will see... put down the cell phone? ya right!!!! ps how awesome is the picture of ellas hair blowing in the wind with her eyes closed!!!!

  2. so cute! i love how different they are. it must keep things very interesting! and i like your new year's resolution. i might try to copy it...but probably not. i'm too much of a hermit!
